Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Strip Woods

by Brett Rutherford

Immodest, these
shivering sycamores
wiggle to Offenbach's
Orpheus in Hades
can-can, the trees'
strip-tease for all
to view. Maples

askew in their scarlet
underwear, oaks
making the wind pluck off
one leaf at a time
from their muscled
limbs, till streams
are clogged with them.

The brazen gingko
sheds all its gold
pasties in one
great shrug.

And there they stand
amid the cheers and whoops
and drunk applause:
wide trunks with peeling
bark, old maple ladies
raked with lightning marks
and fungal warts, saplings

so thin and straight, no curve
to stir the loins, stick-twigs
and gnarled fingers, ring-
hungry and desperate
to be taken home, each
taking one final can-can
kick and calling out

Don't forget me, mister!
You saw me naked!

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