Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Man Who Hated Trees

by Brett Rutherford

Stake through its heart, the sap-bled
tree grew ashen. Leafless, barkless,
squirrel-shunned, at last it was
          patently dead.
My Bonn Place neighbors wondered
     what manner of deviant
     could so impale
one of our dwindling row of sycamores,
our whispering rain-umbrellas,
our sparrow and robin high-rise
     low-income condominiums.
What manner of deviant
     to saw the branches last fall,
     then, angered at twig-break
     through this spring’s bark —
          the insouciant sucker growth
          attempting new sun-search —
to drive that railroad spike
into heartwood, cutting the xylem
and phloem course from roots
to yearning bud?
Did he snap those twigs off, too?
Does he harbor a death-wish
     for all of our loved trees?
One morning in summer the scream
     of chainsaw awakens us.
Two dog-ladies discover the amputee
     slices of trunk on the lawn,
stacked for the trash man,
     ham-steaks of tree-trunk.
We gather,
     hold hands,
          and count the rings.

Found in a notebook from c. 1975,
Weehawken, NJ.

Friday, January 24, 2020

March to the Scaffold (Marche au Supplice)

by Brett Rutherford

      after the music of Symphonie Fantastique of Berlioz

Today I die in Paris. City of demons and hideous women.
What faces, replete with mustaches and hairy warts;
and what noses, what puffed-out cheeks,
          what crenelated mouths!
How tall is the shaft of the guillotine?
          How tall is the spire of Notre-Dame? The same!
The immensity of my crime, the same !
The amputated veterans of the Grand Army,
          the shoeless orphans, the cripples,
          stand in line in the gutters.
The rosette window darkens, the gargoyles sneer and gossip,
          the blind organist plays the Dies Irae.
A muffled bell mourns me.
          Laugh, hunchback, laugh, as you call out my death!
The chorus girls from the Opera rush the tumbrel wagon
           of the condemned.
Among them floats the spectre of the one I loved.
They lift her. Her arms are bare,
          smeared with the cemetery’s black soil.
Stones they hurl at me, and excrement, and curses.
Their cruel missiles have broken my fingers.
          Ah! I shall not write again!
Wheels turn, the drumroll of the ceremony
          becomes louder to my ears.
Old friends of my youth
          somewhere are singing the Marseillaise,
               too late, too far away.
One "Ça ira" and the wigged judge
          would be the one to die, not me!
Oh, had I but loved the Just and the True,
          instead of her.
Ah ! The dread hour comes. The tumbrel stops.
          Rudely they push me forward.
I count the steps to the scaffold.
          Twelve, no, thirteen! Thirteen steps!
I wave away the priest.
          I pay no mind to the recitation of my crimes.
I demand to die in the Chinese manner:
          I will face the heavens.
Even the executioner shudders,
          but then he smiles and agrees.
How very novel! How like a poet!
The spectral woman faints with horror.
          My mother averts her eyes.
I see two vertical lines,
          an angle gleaming bright,
               some clouds.
Because I loved her,
          because she abandoned me,
               because she died —
Because —
           the blade! It descends!
Because —
          It descends!
Because I killed her. 

Aujourd'hui je meurs à Paris.
     Ville des démons et des femmes hideuses!
Quels visages, remplis de moustaches et de verrues velues ;
     et quels nez, quelles joues gonflées, quelles bouches crénelées !
Quelle est la hauteur de l'arbre de la guillotine?
Quelle est la hauteur de la flèche de Notre-Dame? La même!
L'immensité de mon crime, la même!
Les vétérans amputés de la Grande Armée,
          les orphelins sans sabots,
          les estropiés, font la queue dans les gouttières.
La fenêtre rosace s'assombrit,
          les gargouilles ricanent et bavardent,
          l'organiste aveugle joue le Dies Irae.
Une cloche étouffée me pleure.
          Riez, bossu, riez, que vous appelez ma mort!
Les filles de choeur de l'Opéra se précipitent
          vers le chariot du condamné.
Parmi elles flotte le spectre de celle que j'aimais.
     Ils la soulèvent.
     Ses bras sont nus,
           enduit de terre noire du cimetière.
     Des pierres,
          des excréments
               et des malédictions, ils me lancent.
Les missiles cruels m'ont cassé les doigts.
          Ah! Je n'écrirai plus!
Les roues tournent, le tambour de la cérémonie
          devient plus fort à mes oreilles.
Quelque part, de vieux amis de ma jeunesse
          chantent la Marseillaise,
               mais trop tard, trop loin.
Un " Ça ira" et le juge sévère
          celui qui mourrait, pas moi.
Oh, si j'avais aimé le Juste et le Vrai,
          au lieu d'elle.
Ah! L'heure de la terreur arrive.
          Le tumbrel s'arrête.
          Ils me poussent brutalement en avant.
Je compte les escaliers jusqu'à l'échafaud.
          Il y en a douze, non, treize!
               Treize escaliers!
Je refuse le prêtre.
          À la récitation de mes crimes, je n'écoute pas.
J'exige de mourir à la chinoise :
           Je ferai face au ciel.
Même le bourreau frémit,
          mais ensuite il sourit et accepte.  
Quelle nouveauté! Comme un poète!
La femme spectrale s'évanouit d'horreur.
          Ma mère détourne les yeux.
Je voix deux lignes verticales,
          un angle brillant,
               quelques nuages.
Parce que je l'aimais,
          parce qu'elle m'a abandonné,
               parce qu'elle est morte,
    Parce que —
          la lame! Ça descend!
Parce que —
          Ça descend!
Parce que je l'ai tuée.
Ah !

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Old Scholar Under Autumn Trees (Anniversarius 48)

Translated  by Brett Rutherford

     From a Chinese Painting and Poem by Shen Chou, 1470 CE.

Gone, gone, gone. Gone to the west
wind, the leaves have fled. Still, there is
sun, still some shade under half-
disrobed maples. I loosen
my collar, I just lean back
and read my book. No clock, no
appointments, all idleness.
It is a long book; I have
all the Autumn ahead
To read, or to gaze on up
at the sky that pulls on me.
Here below -- or on up there --
who knows what I shall do next?

Op. 1050, January 19, 2020, from a 2006 FB post.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

As You Read This

by Brett Rutherford

You think you are alone.
I watch your hands
flash white
at turn of page,
follow your eyes
from line to line.

Hands do not blush,
the reading eye
cannot avert,
the mind
does not suspect
my omnipresence.

Counting the beat
your fingers trace
these lines.
You even whisper them
as though my ear
were intimate.

You never suspect
I dream of you,
touch back
your outreached consciousness.

Concealed amid typography,
sighing in each caesura,
intake of breath at every comma,
I am a boy in the shrubbery,
lover in moonlit garden,
a bare toe jutting
     amid the footnotes.

Though you be shy,
doe-wary and skittish,
I stalk this poem,
alert between letters.
Watch all you will
for hawk and hunter,
I am in and on the river
of word-flow.
Casting my net
   mid-ship between stanzas
I hope to catch you.

Op. 896, from 2017 noteboook

The Midnight Ibis

by Brett Rutherford

     after a watercolor by Riva Leviten

On this foggy night, any river
     could be the Nile
and that dark thing afloat
     cold be the crocodile
that let the Moses-basket
     pass on by,
and laughed about it still
     with weepless eye.

There is a hooked-head shape
     arc’d like a scythe
with one bright orb that might
     be the isolate ibis, lithe
and tomb-art motionless.

Or it might be nothing,
     a sight not solid
an unnamed form made up
     of arc and column,
now gray on white, now white
     on gray,
cloud-tuft, fog breath dispersed.
     Sometimes it is the eye
that thinks a thing -- sometimes
     it is the mind that sees!

Ibis! the very totem-form of Thoth,
who gave the art of writing to Ani
(the first known scribe), your beak
suggesting stylus on paper roll,
chisel on somnolent basalt, hand-wave
of words to outlive the burning stars.

Ibis! watcher! listener! father
of cartouche and hieroglyph,
unsmiling arbiter of line and rhyme.
Ibis thou swift messenger of dreams,
of waking-moment revelation
of the impossibly true or to-be-true
(Hermes to the blue-skied Greeks),
your truth that fleeting visions,
unless inscribed, are gone like fog,
word-foam on a tideless sea.

Op. 891
First draft Feb 9, 2017

Monday, January 13, 2020

Dance of the Witches' Sabbath - A New Translation

This poetic description of a Witches' Sabbath in a ruined monastery was published in 1825. Five years later, Hector Berlioz composed his Symphonie Fantastique, whose last movement is a depiction of a Witches' Sabbath, with church bells ringing out at midnight against a Witches' round dance. Did Berlioz read the Hugo poem? It is likely. Another Witches' Sabbath known at the time was that of Goethe in Part 1 of Faust.

The only other version of this poem I have found in English is inadequate, from almost 100 years ago -- one peek and I never looked at it again. I have done this in my own un-rhymed manner and I have embellished a bit, since this is after all my Gothic territory. The poem has a refrain which I repeated a few times. It can be omitted after the first two occasions if it becomes tiresome, or it could be replaced with a musical bridge passage (Berlioz?). So, this is a brand-new translation, made without reference to any other English version. There are no doubt a few excesses here that might horrify Hugo, or maybe he would smile.

by Brett Rutherford

          Translated and adapted
          from Victor Hugo’s
La Ronde du Sabbat, 1825

Just as in a mystery, behold now
how the moon veils itself in cloud
before the black monastery’s walls!
Spreading its fright, the midnight spirit
passes, swaying twelve times where once
a bell tolled (no more!) in the unpeopled
belfry. Long resounding comes the noise,
the air shakes, the roll and rumble stifled
as if locked up beneath the bell itself.
A shadow, and silence falling — listen !
Who thrusts these clamors upon the quiet
night? Who casts these phantom lights?
Dear God! The ruined vaults, the jagged doors
seem to be enveloped by filaments of fire.

Do we not hear, where the boxwood branches dip
into the Holy Water, an agitated tide of waves,
a tiny troubled lake a-boil in its granite urn?
Commend our souls to those who look down
upon us! Down here, among the blue rays,
among the scarlet flames, with cries and songs,
with human sighs and inhuman barking,

now everywhere, waters, mountains, woods,
larvae, dragons, vampires and gnomes,
monsters whose hell dreams only phantoms,
the witch, set free from the deserted tombs,
her silver birch broom whistling through air,
Necromancers tiara’d with mystical caps
above whom cabalistic symbols glow,
the no-nonsense demons, the crafty goblins,
all welcomed by the jagged line of roof,
by the broken hinge of the abandoned gate,
children of de-sanctified waste places come;
they come right through, a thousand lightnings,
the airy gaps in the stained-glass windows.
They enter the old cloister as a swirling wave.
He stands amid them, Lucifer, he, their Prince,
his bull’s forehead concealed beneath
the high-capped miter of heavy iron.
The chasuble has veiled his diaphanous wings,
as on the crumbling altar he places his cloven foot.
O terror! Now they are singing, here in this place
where day and night the Eternal’s eye should watch!
Now hand or claw reaches out for its kindred —
or, horror to behold, for nothing like itself —
they join, the form the immense circle,
the Antipode to the Cross, the bottomless!
Like a dark hurricane, the whirling begins.

To the eye that could not encompass the whole,
each hideous guest appears in his turn;
Hell spins, it seems, within the darkness,
its dreadful Zodiac all emblems of death.
The wind-force makes all fly, no need for wings!
They are carried ‘round, and Satan conducts
the choral bursts of their beastly voices.

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

“Change partners randomly”
As the demon mass around him rolls,
Satan and his joyful minions
press in on the altar and the Cross.
It is the cardinal night of autumn
The hour is solemn.

From Satan’s fingers rise
the ancient flame that does not die,
that pale winged fluttering
fringed with the purple of kings —

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

«Yea, Children of Darkness,
rejoice in our triumph!
Brothers and Sisters, come
from a hundred dimensions,
from funereal places,
dens dank and deep,
Hell will escort you!
Come as a cohort
on griffin-powered
chariots! Come now!

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

« We welcome deformity and crime!
Come without remorse,
goat-footed dwarfs and suicides!
Come, Ghouls, whose lips
have never weaned from carrion,
and the black blood of the dead.
Infernal women,
outdo your rivals
in lust and vengeance,
outlast your lovers
to the point of death
and join us, exultant!

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

Thrice-hounded Jews,
you are welcome among us!
Gypsies, Bohemians,
charged with anathema —
all may join us! Welcome!
Will o’ the Wisps, we know you!
Pale specters who escaped by night
after an avenging patricide,
glide on the breeze, catch hold
of the frieze above the broken wall,
fly, or crawl!

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

Come, wicked goats,
eaters of everything.
Come, slender-bodied lice<
eaters of Everyman.
Come down. seducing Sylphs,
fall a stream of hail,
and melting, bedew the field.
Take hands again, with one
of your own kind or kindred!
Follow the beat. Expand
the dance. Repeat the chants!”

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

«Now at this beautiful moment
experts in magic shine
in the orgy, their blood-red beards
puffed out with smoke and lightning.
What did you bring? What offering?
What innocent soul is your prey?
or better yet, what unsaved sinner
did you kidnap from a confessional?
The victim with a victim in his mouth!
The fire of evil craves them all!

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

Laughing in the holy place
(for who would know?
who’s watching there?
be still, if you would live to tell!))
Satan now parodies a chant
after Saint Matthew,
and in the chapel where his king
calls upon him, a demon sings
from the book of God!

The dead
in their vaults below, if they could feel
beneath the paving stones, and hear this rout,
how they would tremble!

Bring them out of their resting place.
Open, ye tombs. Up, flagstones, up
lidded vaults! Bring out the monks
who once worshipped here. Arise!
And in each stall let a false monk spread
the fatal robe that burns his bones
and that a black chamberlain
attend to the burning of the cursed flame.

“Satan will see you now!
With your coarse hands
among the monk-dusk,
make ink and write,
Sorcerers, write your
Fly away first, ye wild furred birds
of magic and curses,
dictate a whole new alchemy
of forbidden metals. Tear
the very fabric of matter to shreds!
This is what Satan is all about!
Fly away first, ye wild furred birds,
whose bald wings hang
from the alcoves of Smarra*
where the vampire dwells.

Here is the signal!
Hell reclaims us.
The sun draws near! The time
may come when all souls know
no other flame than my black
lantern. May our dancing round
in the profound shadow
open the whole world
to an infernal circle!

*** ***

As I emerged from my hiding place
the pale dawn whitened the colossal
arches. Night and the Devil fled,
a confused swarm of dispersed demons.
And the dead, who had been burning bright
but moments before, reposed again.
The stones were back that held them;
their frozen glances gazing upward,
pillowed in ash and the dust of ages.

October 1825

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Were-Raven, Part 2

In which the Lady Ermeline tells the Raven of her plight ... Part 1 was adapted from an ancient Danish ballad. Part 2 is my own invention of a back-story to the ballad's "Evil stepmother." Cormora is a were-cormorant, and her son Shagg is named after another common name for the cormorant.

by Brett Rutherford

Of the Coming of Cormora
& Of the Earl’s Bewitching

“Raven, I know not whence she came, but she it is
     who casts a dread shadow and brings us ill.
’T was but a month and a day, my father mourned
     that long and that long only, and then wed
the hideous crone that all must call “Milady.”
     He walked along, clothes rent, and bare of foot
from the moat to the high cliffs, to where the sea moans
     its own sad requiem on the skerry.
the one called “The Widower” up to its white neck
     in tide-blast, at low a solemn pillar
clad in sea-shells and limey foam. A second height
     he climbed that day, whose downward slope he knew
was to a soft stream spreading to a grassy mere,
     a place of peace and prayer his Lady
had cherished. But lo! his way was made barricade
     by a stalwart youth, dark-locked and smiling.

“Make way,” the Earl commanded, waving his hand
     which oft enough sufficed to make men kneel.
The boy moved not, and showed no sign of rising up
     from where he sat athwart the one footpath
the Earl was wont to climb. “Be thou defiant, deaf,
     or lookout for a band of villains, boy?”
“I hear ye well enough,” the young one answered then,
     and there be no thieves or bandits by me.”
The Earl remembered the elder lore and gazed
     anew at the dark, curled locks and fiery eye
of the stubborn lad. “The Old Gods come here no more,
     so be not Loki’s shade or Odin’s son.
If you be son of man and woman and here
     defy me without a cause, you may feel
how far my wrath can thrust you to the rocks below.

The black-haired languid boy, with neither shrug nor sigh,
     held eye to eye the Earl but raised one hand
as if it held a brazen shield. “Good Earl,
     I am but here to block the view of men
from where two beauteous ladies bathe in the lake,
     and it would be a grievous fault for thee
to come upon them in their naked frolicking.
     At this, indeed, the Earl heard voices twain,
Singing a round in time and eerie harmony.
     The words were not in any tongue he knew.
“Ha!” the Earl laughed. “And who are these naked ladies?”
“One, my mother, is lady-in-waiting
     to her sister, the Lady Cormora,
whose sorrowful life of exile she chaperones.” —
     “And you are called what, young black-eyed idler?”
“I am called Shagg. A homely name; I know not why.”
     “Your locks need shorn,” the Earl be-guessed, and laughed.

“Still I would pass through, “ the Earl demanded.
     There is no woman in my realm I may
not look at as nature made, if it is my wont.”
     “They would be much abashed to so be seen.”
“Tell me, thou Shagg, who art so dark and winsome made,
     if these two sisters do resemble thee?
Thou art so good to look upon that I would bed
     thee out of sport, were there no woman-kind
that bore the godly imprint of thy brow and eye.”
     The one named Shagg now laughed in his own turn

“If I be beauteous in thine eye, good Earl, then woe
     to you if you should view these ladies twain.
We three, they say, are from the same mint cast and stamped,
     while I am but a limping Faun, those two
would make the Greek forget his Helen, or rend
     both Roman lovers from their Egypt queen.”

“I will, I must, I shall regard them, then, the Earl
     declared, his grief for once forgotten.
Shagg stood, and to himself declared, “I have,
     alone, bewitched the Earl. Those singing
sirens will now complete the work.” And then, aloud:
     “Good Earl, if you will sheltered roof provide
to we three of good birth shipwrecked here, I’ll go
     before and announce your coming hither.”
The Earl, with wave of hand, gave his consent to this,
     and Shagg leaped up and bounding to the crest
of the hill, called down to those beyond: “Hail,
     Comora and mother mine, the Earl comes!” —

The Raven listened avidly. She saw him shake
     when she said the names “Cormora” and “Shagg.”
“You know them then?” she asked the harbinger of gloom.
     “I know their works, and thus have suffered much.” —
“What I have said so far was Father’s oft-told tale.
     Of how the two strange women dressed in haste,
and in strange robes that lured him more than naked flesh
     they offered him a drink that seemed nepenthe
from a silver goblet, and showed him other things
      in a cask they said had floated with them
with all the shattered scraps of a sunken galley.
     The rest was stuff of dreams, confused and dim.

“Of what transpired between my Father and these three,
     no one can say. But ere the day was done,
the Earl on foot led the Lady Cormora in
     to castle and chapel and a wedding
Aye, tremble for my lot, for they were wed that day
     and it was a day of horror for all.

“The Earl wed, to a shriveled crone in black tatters!
     His moon-eyed longing reflected in orbs
that swelled with ebony, his arms enveloping
     the skeletal ribs, the sagging bosom
of a Hell-spawn witch. Her servant crone hideous
     smelled of a morning-after battlefield
and spit teeth as she tore into the banqueting.
     Her wake was a trail of shed hair and finger nails.

“No one dared speak. More than one guest vomited.
     And with them, mincing and obsequious,
aflirt with Latin and Greek poetry, a lute
    in hand that made one shriek to hear it,
this hideous dwarf the bed-spawn of who knows which
     of the two crones, this pustulous beast Shagg!

“All day and every day the court was required
     to sing the praises of Lady Cormora.
Her sister rampaged through the treasury.
     Everything silk or silver went to them.
The Earl had banished three who tried to counsel him.
     He drank a strange wine and his eye grew dim.”
The Raven flapped angrily. “Sorrow enough
     for thy Father and all of thy sad court.
But what is thy sorrow in all this, Ermeline?
    She sighed. Head bowed, she told him all of it.

“I was betrothed, to one my equal, and a Prince.
     All was delayed by my mother’s passing.
He came at last to claim my hand, and was sent home
     with a grievous insult. He has gone East
on a crusade from which he may never return.
    My hand my Father would now give instead —
O God! I cannot say it!”

                                                  “I dare not think it
     but if the evil works as I know it —”

“O Raven, it is the worst! That I wed Shagg,
and call that foul mis-shapen imp my lord!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Cold Wave, 1958

by Brett Rutherford

Slept on a church pew, walnut-hard
close enough to the still-hot radiator
she could roll up her thin cloth coat
to pillow her head. She licked cracked lips;
her numbed toes finally warmed. Three days
below zero and no sign of better to come!
She dreamt of a steam-hot kitchen, turkey
baking as in those long-gone Thanksgivings,
Charles and LeRoi anticipating
how much stuffing and sweet potatoes.

Lights red, lights blue, lights amber gold,
not from the Christmas tree past but from
the stained-glass morning sun-up
warming her face, oh! just an hour,
an hour longer rest; no one would know
how the unlocked Methodist Episcopal
had been her hotel for one night only.
She’d wash up in the bathroom below,
then come back up and give a nod to Jesus,
thank him out loud before she tip-toed
out to frozen ice-pack of sidewalk.

After what seemed only an eye-blink,
the windows were brighter, hotter,
and a hand poked at her shoulder
rudely. “Ma’am,” a man’s voice,
low like summer thunder on the hills’
other hollows, rumbled, “Ma’am, wake up."
Cora sat bolt upright, one hand tugged
down her long black skirt, the other across
her bosom, sliding away from where
the unwanted hand had prodded her.
The man’s form changed, dark silhouette
to sun-paint, his white skin mosaic’d red
and blue and gold. His name was Ernest.
She knew him, and sometimes she mended
the clothes his mother brought over,
piecework she did for many in town.

“Ma’am,” he told her, “You can’t be sleepin’ here.
It’s not allowed.” “Hmm,” she muttered, and took
the coat and slowly unrolled it. She rose
to bundle herself back up for the winter air.
“I don’t mean to be a bother. I —” She stopped
as Ernest suddenly backed away. He saw her face.
He didn’t know her at all. Of course we are the same
and all alike to them
, she thought. And then he did
the thing with his nose, that testing-the-air twitch
to see if you smelled funny. No matter
that Charles always told her no lady
had ever smelled so nice as when
she morning’d him with her rosy air.

“I’ll get in trouble if the pastor sees.
You’d better go down and out the back, now.”
He pointed. He looked at his watch.
His teeth looked to chatter squirrel-like.
“I’ll be on my way, Mr. Ernest,”
she answered him. “Just let me give
a nod to the Lord, and I’ll not trouble you.”
Before he could protest she reached the altar-rail,
looked up in awe at how the morning light halo’d
the sad Christ, while red-glow dabbles
daubed his wounds and nails that put them
in hell-light. He may have fed five thousand,
but a house and a warm bed were something else.

She had to walk slowly. Loucks Avenue
was piled with snow. One narrow way
had been shoveled and tramped to some
resemblance to a foot-path. Somewhere beneath
the hillocks of snow were peoples’ cars.
Her shoes slid this-way, that-way; she tumbled
sideways more than once until Broadway
where she could walk the roadway.
Few cars were out, and let them make way
for her instead of she for them. She was
seventy, and seventy should have at least
the right of way on a Sunday morning.

Nothing was warming up. Trees groaned
as they tried to gird themselves in
against the killing cold. Her thoughts
in the mile she’d have to walk, were on
the sun that would soon pain her eyes
as it slid its low path into noon-time.

That sun might warm her house a little,
she reasoned. And there was one last plan
to get her through the cold spell. But first
she had to tread the long walk of mill-fence —
nothing shoveled, no path except the road —
along the smokey factory that made long tubes
of shiny metal that filled the rail-cars, day
and night of pounding and grinding, lights
on and off at all hours. Coal, coke
and the working of the earth’s metals were all
that this town was about. Charles had worked,
until the black lung killed him, one mine
and then another and another, always
the parts of the mines the white men avoided.

Charlie and the Negro gang worked side
by side with a bunch of Hungarians, almost
as much despised for their one-off language,
their dark-eyed pride and intransigence.
Just to defy and baffle their bosses,
some of the Negro miners learned “Hunky talk,”
enough to joke and drink together, enough
to be able to fool the foreman and warn each other
when something too dangerous was asked for.
She went along. The Hunky women didn’t like it
when she learned a few words on her own
and Charlie and the Kovacs and she
would laugh and pass a bottle amongst them.
But that was before …

Over the bridge and past Caruso’s, the store
that gave her credit and saved her more
times than she could count, then up the hill
to her own steep-stepped house she went.
In through the unlocked door, into the kitchen.
Lightless, heatless, her breath went icy
the moment she got inside. It was colder here,
for she had covered up the window so wind
would not get in, but neither did the sunlight.

No matter. She had her plan, the one
that came to her just as she awakened.
She only needed a little coal. The furnace, dead,
would never come to life until a truck came,
filling the chute below with welcome fuel.
But the coal stove would do, and huddled near
she could get through the day. Tomorrow’s mail
might bring the cash that LeRoi sent
each month from his pay in far-off Korea.
This was pride swallowed, her pride of home
and of needing nothing, ever, ’cept what folks paid
when she helped them out, or sewed, or watched
a baby that needed minding. Now she, Cora,
would beg from door to door. The neighbors
would hear her bowed voice a-tremble and ask
for just a bucket or two of coal. That’s all.

She lifted the bucket. She opened the door.
Five houses this side of Kingview Road, five
on the other side. That ought to do it.
They must all be home. Smoke rose black
from every chimney. It wasn’t as though
she was really begging: the loan of some coal
was all she would ask, and then she’d pay
it back when the delivery came. That’s all.

Knocked on one door. They yelled inside,
argued on who should answer her knocking.
Man’s voice bellowing, woman in turn.
Two lions in a cage would have been quieter.
She knocked again. Lace curtain parted.
Two eyes regarded her from shadowed parlor.
Then from behind those eyes, the man
called out, “Get off our steps! Go on!
Whatever you’re selling or preaching,
just go away!” She turned and sighed.

At the Polish neighbors’ home, despite
the puffing chimney, there was no answer.
They went to Mass early, she remembered.
They would be back, confession-clean,
but not for hours to come. She tried
another door, the old widower’s, but no,
he didn’t answer, either. The bottles piled
along the porch floor told a dead-drunk tale.
He might not rouse himself till after noon.

Her feet gone numb again, she knocked
at the Kovak house. Charlie had worked
with their father until the explosion
made Mrs. Kovak a widow, her sons
into angry orphans always in trouble.
Now Cora smiled as someone came running
for she had a way in mind to reach out
to the reclusive and suspicious widow.
It was the younger boy who answered.
He had just got out of bed; his hair
was awry in every direction; he rubbed
his eyes and tried to make out her face.
“What d’ye want,” he asked her angrily.
“Let me talk to your mother, please.”
He shrugged and walked away. She waited
and felt the rush of warm air from the open
doorway. The disheveled mother came.

She spoke almost no English, after all these years!
Mit akarsz?” she demanded, closing the door
so only her head and shoulders stuck out. —
“I am your neighbor, Mrs. Kovac.” She paused,
then sorting her memory of the old days,
Szomszéd. Neighbor.” — The woman started.
“Mit akarsz?” she asked again. What do you want? —
I am Charlie’s wife. Charles felesége. Szomszéd.” —
The woman held out her hands in consternation.
Cora raised the empty bucket. “I need some coal.
Van … szén?” — Then Mrs. Kovac backed away.
The door got wide again. An older boy 

came up behind her. He had a stick.
He slapped it against his open palm. “Some coal.
Van … szén?” Had she forgotten everything? What word
would make her message clear except, “Please, please?”
There it was: the word. “Kérem. Van szén?”
The door slammed shut. At five more houses,
there was no one present, or everyone pretended
to be somewhere else, intent on television.

Cora sat in the kitchen. She wrapped herself
in a blanket, tied rags around her feet to keep
the frost at bay. She’d seen a movie once
where they broke up the furniture to feed a stove,
but she didn’t know how to do that. Two hands,
at seventy, frost-bitten and without a hammer,
what could she do? Would the neighbors talk?
Would they come around at last when they realized
she was there alone with no light or stove or coal?
Did the Methodist Episcopal Jesus care?

I was ten years old when the police came,
and then an ambulance, and there she was
on a stretcher, the bundled-up frozen woman.
The door had blown open; the mailman found her.
Neighbors flowed out of their homes like wax
atop a fast-melting candle. All bundled up
against the cold wave, the word balloons
above all their comic-book faces repeated:
She froze to death. She froze to death.
          She froze to death.
One voice opined, “How could this happen here,
right in our midst, right on our street?”
“She was too proud to ask for help”
          someone else offered.
The new word-balloon passed among them.
It was taken up as an anthem, too proud, too proud
to ask for help, of course we would have helped
Too proud, too proud to ask for help.

And then the little Hungarian boy called out,
“But there was a Negro lady asking for coal.
I saw her. A Negro lady asking —”

A hand reached out and covered his mouth.
The crowd went on murmuring
          until the ambulance was gone.
As the last door to the last house closed
the word-balloon lingered, one cloud
over all the chimneys, lettering
She froze to death. 

          She froze to death.
                    She froze —

 From the forthcoming book, The Pumpkined Heart: The Pennsylvania Poems.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Four Generations in the "Media"

I am the fourth generation of U.S. Rutherfords in my line, involved in news, books, print and other media.

"Rutherford News" was founded in Scottdale by my great-grandfather, then run by my grandfather Thomas H. Rutherford as a newsstand, newspaper distributing office, stationer, and bookstore. He was succeeded by my uncle.

Here's a news story from 1910 about how the Rutherfords celebrated New Years:


T.H. Rutherford of Scottdale
Entertains All His
Paper Carriers

It Was the Eighth Affair

Sumptuous Spread at DeHaven's
Restaurant Last Night Enjoyed by
Thirty-Five of the Boys and a
"Flash-Light Picture Made.

Scottdale, Jan 5 (1910) – The eighth annual newsboys' dinner which Thomas H. Rutherford, the newsdealer and stationer, tendered to his faithful force of coming men of Scottdale who deliver the newspapers every day was another triumphal success. It occurred last evening and about 35 boys sat down to a feed that pleased them immensely and gave them a good time that they appreciated greatly, as anyone might know who saw them at the table. They were from the big boys down to the little tads who aren't much bigger than the papers they carry, particularly when the papers are the Sunday monsters.
The banquet, for it had many a more pretentious one faded for its lavishness, took place at Dennis DeHaven's restaurant on Broadway, where a number of the dinners have been given in the last several years. From fried oysters to pie, cake, and ice cream and fruit, with a lot of other things sandwiched in during the evening, the cuisine of the house shone with great brilliancy, and the appetites of the guests were satiated by the time they accomplished the eating of the dinner. Besides Thomas H. Ruutherford, there were present Stephen R. Rutherford, who has charge of all the newspapers, and George H. Shupe of The Independent and A. L. Porter of The Courier.
After the dinner was over, J.A. Chadderton and James Tarr of the Ping Pong Gallery in the Reid block brought their flashlight machine in a "caught" a picture of the dining party.