Thursday, December 15, 2022

In the House of Eros

by Brett Rutherford

His mother invited me home
to read poetry, she said,
to her invited guests.

I paled as I entered:
firefighters in uniform,
mailmen and UPS drivers,
flip-flopped teenagers
with cans of beer a-chug

but when her two pale sons
took me in hand
to the banquet table
I was charmed. Both food
and wine were exquisite.
Various hands touched me
from different directions
under the table.

I read my poems.
Some listeners swooned,
while others nodded off
into a stupored state.
The chamber music
was suddenly enhanced
by strange percussionists
and muted trumpets.

The brothers, one in front
and one behind me,
led me up stairs
toward their darkened
bedroom. Along one
corridor a line had formed:

men lounged, boys leered
as they eyed an open doorway.
The sounds inside
were unmistakable.

"Ignore that!" I was warned,
as warm lips kissed me.
"Mother is incorrigible!"

As I was pulled along, I saw
how the line extended
from their mother's door.
Those at the end
were younger than those
who jostled each other
to enter and have their way.
I swear the far ones
were no more than Boy Scouts.

Behind them stood --- dwarfs? --
no, the spitting images
of cartoon characters,
the Mouse, the Duck,
the Cat, the Rabbit
and with lewd smiles
and belts undone.

"This -- this!" I cried,
"is beyond prostitution!"

The last thing I saw,
as I was pulled
into welcome darkness
was the end of the line

where various household
appliances waited their turn,
wheezing and humming,
tallest among them
the upright vacuum cleaner.

The vacuum cleaner, my god,
even the vacuum cleaner?

At this I swooned
and had to be carried
to whatever it was
they had in mind for me.

I awoke in my own bed,
in clothing not my own.
Under the door,
another scarlet-fringed
envelope invited me.
Dare I go?

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