Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Cynic's Fall

 by Brett Rutherford

Adapted from Leonidas, The Greek Anthology, vi, 292.

Lookee here, Cypris!
At Aphrodite's porch
the strangest offering
ever, deposited:
a rude staff, two worn
and re-sewn sandals
that everyone knows
belonged to the Cynic
Sochares, whose gaze
went up and over us
without a glimmer
of romantic interest.
See now, his dingy
oil-flask, his worn-out
change-purse full of holes,
his carry-bag full
of crumpled papers,
that long essay
he never finished.
Is he dead? Oh,
not at all. Rhodon
the beautiful one
has made him swoon
with late-arriving love
and the lad made off
with everything portable.
Rhodon, a thief? Ah, no,
for all the booty hangs here
on the temple porch,
a testament to Eros,
and proof that every man,
even a philosopher
with an averted eye,
even an all-knowing
graybeard can fall
from his high perch,
his strong will quenched
by tender passions.
Hail, Rhodon,
youth mightier
than all philosophy!

That Day in February

by Brett Rutherford

Pink cards arrived
with little hearts
and arrows.

the senders come
to claim their victory.
peer over the edge
of an operating
theater, as I
am dissected
by tiny, long,

Pink cards arrive
like individual hornets.
The hive follows,
an angry cloud
in which I sink,
a million stings
of insincere

I run. They fall
like meteors,
my fast feet trailed
by flaming craters.
Some cave
I crave
until the mail truck
is out of sight.

Unsent, the letter
I most require,
and dead its sender.
Unsent, another
from one who has quite
forgotten me.

Valentine's Day

by Brett Rutherford

The answer to everything
seems to be shooting.

Arrows in hearts
have brought me nothing
but misery. Worse yet
for poor Sebastian,
The Saint of Love
as it is actually

Pink is a passing
hue, the moment before
the blood spurts out.

Deer dead,
air bags pierced,
substations shattered,
balloons plummeting,
lost kites targeted
by Tomahawk missiles;

even Eros, if he flew
to bring me good
tidings, is doomed,
a downed mallard
locked in the jaw
of a drooling hound.

Love is a bullet.
The grizzle-bearded
hunter rules the day.
Will you be my —

Monday, February 13, 2023

Up in the Sky

by Brett Rutherford

The octagonal kite
I lost in 1952
has just been downed
by fighter jets
over Lake Huron.

Next, the umbrellas
(I count thirteen)
blown off in storms
will tumble down
from Jet Stream
to some cow-field.

The hat one hurricane
made off with:
include that, too.
The little girl's red
balloon, why not,
while you're at it?

Be sure a missile
saucers malevolent,
whose occupants
disturb the herds
and vacuum up
for random

Clean the skies!
Scramble the jets
when passing
laundry bags,
afloat in clouds,
set off the radar.

Light up the zenith
with fireworks,
and heaven help
high-flying eagles.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Kind-Hearted Girl

by Brett Rutherford

     Adapted from Poseidippus, The Greek Anthology, v, 213

So poor, no more
than a hut she has.
Pythias is kind to strays.
Cats make a path
to her garden gate.
She names, and is known by
every dog outcast. I swear
she feeds the birds herself
from that dainty, open hand.

Is it any wonder
she seldom sleeps alone?
If no one is there tonight
I'd try my chances.
Invoking some god
or another for luck,
I'd tap at the entryway,
light as a hen-peck
or the faintest scratch
of a plaintive kitten.

Oh, she'd come running.
It's midnight out,
and raining, too.
I'd blurt some tale
of being tossed
from the tavern, and then,
the prey of thieves,
stripped to my last
farthing. See here,
even my sandal is torn!

With Eros behind me,
and Aphrodite before
to daze her eyes,
how can sweet Pythias
not open the door?

Oaks I Would Like to Know

Digital poster depicting King Offa's Oak

by Brett Rutherford

In Great Windsor Park,
King Offa's Oak
was said to shade
for rest and watering
a man and horse,
the latter unnamed,
the former a Norman
king called William.
A Flemish knight
named Ruderfyrde
brought news.
England was won.
Oaks big enough
in hollow trunk
to conceal a band
of outlaws.
The Major Oak
in Sherwood Forest
was one of these,
concealing, live,
one Robin Hood,
or dead, in larder,
the King's deer.
In Devon, nine dined
inside the Meavy Oak.
The self-same tree
at Wetherby
lets seventy men
and one distraught
old squirrel cram
into its dark insides.
Below the arms
of a Shelton oak,
a battle raged
between Prince Hal
and Hotspur.
One, Owen
Glendower, safe
in its leafy bower,
witnessed it all.
Oaks stout and fit
to serve as a gibbet.
Look there -- the Abbot
of Woburn dangled
at Henry VIII's order.
Oaks old and wise,
abundant with acorns:
what have they not seen,
what secrets not heard?
They lean, they bend,
they groan with cold and frost,
and yet they will not die.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

To Spring

Nature poems per se are rare in The Greek Anthology. This, one of Meleager’s longer poems, is an attempt at a nature poem, anticipating Virgil. It includes one biological error, the ancient belief that bees spring from rotting cow carcasses. I have done this up in blank verse, and if it mixes a little Shelley in, well, so be it. The Greek word “euoi” is  a variant of “evoe” or “evohe” and is a Dionysian cry of rapture. 


 by Brett Rutherford

     Adapted from Meleager, The Greek Anthology, I, 363

The Cynic, too, is happy in springtime.
How could it be otherwise? Departed
the howling winter is, and now the sky
gives way to smiling, purple-flowered days.

Out of dark earth a green garland rises
as dried-up meadows break out in tresses,
willow green-bud, the tender, up-sprouting grass
the emerald hair of the new season. 

What had been frost is now the dew of dawn,
laughing as the rose-bud in lurid red
blushes. Shepherds break out their shrill-toned pipes
trimming and tuning them to summon forth

The he- and she-goats and their new-born kids.
Already mariners, by tide and moon
called out, puff up their sails with Zephyr’s help.
Somewhere on distant slopes, the revelers,

heads wreath’d with berry’d ivy cry euoi!
to him who blesses grapes: Dionysus!
An old bull-carcass spews forth the black bees,
decay engendering intelligence

as the swarm swells and divides its labors
as wondrous as the pyramids in Egypt.
those ever-refilling white honeycombs.
Kingfisher and cormorant, the ibis

and crane, stern eagle and high-flying kite —
how all the birds exult and sing, down to
the humblest of sparrow. Swan glides, swallow
flits round to bless the homes of rich and poor.

The mournful nightingale, in gloom of grove,
takes up its station. Dire ravens roost there,
and crowds of crows await the crops to come.
O what a world for those with pinion’d wings!

If there is joy in all green uprising,
if there is joy as gold wheat flourishes,
if there is joy in the flocks’ frolicking,
and in those never-ending Pan-pipe calls,

if there is joy in sailing out to sea,
then somewhere always dances Dionysus.
Birds, bees, the swelling earth, the cloud-blessed sky,
how should a poet not sing of these, too? 

Hands joined, come one and all, and dance! Euoi!

On the Porch

Ruins of Cyzicus in present-day Turkey.

by Brett Rutherford

     From Anon., The Greek Anthology, vi, 341

A ship-mast on a temple porch —
what business has it here?
Does the hill-top intend
a sea-voyage? No, citizens,
this antique jigger-mast
once stood at the rear
of a great trireme,
sail shading the rows
of sun-burnt oarsmen.

Warriors it carried
to glory and fame. Athena
herself designed it,
and thus, Cyzicus ranked
first in ship-building.

Rewarded this temple was,
first ever consecrated
this far to the East
to the Tritonian maid.

The ship, and drawn plans
for more like it, sailed
to Apollo in Delphi,
with offerings of gold.
Spartan ships splintered
before its thrust,
and Persians trembled
to see it coming.

Solider or sailor, nod
to the well-crafted ship
that brought your forebears
home in safety. Garland
the deck and give thanks
for safe passage
of Poseidon’s dark
and roiling sea.



Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Tea-Pet Toad

by Brett Rutherford

The carved red toad,
mouth open just enough
to hold a single dime,
is a harbinger of wealth,
slow-earned, a tenth
of a dollar doled
out a thousand
thousand times,

the kind of fortune
earned only
by making, by hand,
ten thousand dumplings.

The poor batrachian,
I did not notice
until yesterday,
has only two legs,
a bit of tail
for a tripod
solidity. What of
his other legs?

For lack of dimes
did he sell them off
to a street vendor
whose frog-leg dainties
please the crowd?

That string of coins
slung over his shoulder
implies he should not be
that desperate.

His gem eyes glitter
a greedy ruby and say,
“No need for legs.
I need not leap at all.
Coins come to me,
and pale tea pours
from the heavens
to pool around me.”

Serene as Buddha,
wrinkled as sage,
squat on his I Ching
pedestal, King Toad
rules the tea table.

Night Torment

by Brett Rutherford

     Adapted from Asclepiades, The Greek Anthology, v, 189

A fool’s watch
on one of the year’s
longest nights, endless,
in winter weather, too!

I’m drenched with rain.
There’s no reward
for pacing back and forth
before a door
that never opens — hers.

Morning comes soon.
The mocking Pleaides,
warm in the arms
of one another,
are halfway up
from the horizon,
humming on through
the holes in the clouds. 

I know she is in there,
the sly deceiver.
Someone already came
and lies entwined
with her soft limbs.

What would I do,
anyway, if I saw
him leaving? Accost,
or slink away, or,
worst of all, knock
at her door and beg
my turn?

I know I am mad.
This is not love;
no honor here
for Aphrodite, not
the kind of affection
the gods bless. Lust,
simple and searing,
a hot arrow,
drives me on,
amid the winter chill,
tormenting fire.

An Unholy Trio

by Brett Rutherford

     Adapted from Asclepiades, The Greek Anthology, v, 161

Euphro, Thais
and Boidion, three hags
who once were courtesans
at Diomede’s tavern,
who formerly took on,
like a twenty-oared transport,
the desperate arriving captains,
have cast ashore now
three ruined men, stripped
to their sandals and worse off
than shipwrecked sailors.

Poor Agis,
poor Cleophon,
poor Antagoras:
the rocks of divorce
await them, and all
because those creatures
posed as respectable
women and lured them
to home and hearth.

Back at their old trade,
corsairs of Aphrodite,
they shriek like Sirens.

Snuff Out the Lamp

by Brett Rutherford

     Adapted from Asclepiades, The Greek Anthology, v, 150.

She made an oath one ought
not take in vain: Demeter’s
name she invoked in promising
to come to me tonight.
So much for Nico’s word.
The famous one is faithless,
it seems. It’s almost three
and I grow sleepy waiting.
Why did she promise so
earnestly? Do words
mean nothing at the end?

Go servant, and snuff out
the lamp left by the garden gate.
Now it would serve only thieves,
and there is no use wasting oil.

The Evil Song

by Brett Rutherford

     Adapted from Dioscorides, The Greek Anthology, v, 138

One song I cannot bear, and now
Athenion sings it night and day.
Like some neglected, stupid dog
he brays away
the tune of “The Horse.”

Down with his horse, I say,
and damn all horses in general.
I cannot bear the sound of hooves.
In my dreams, an evil animal
this is. All Troy is aflame,
and in that fire I perish.

Ten years of siege, I cursed
those Greeks, but in one night
we horse-mad Trojans died.